Friday, July 18, 2008

Hoodia Prime - Fact or Myth?

So I was sitting around watching TV one night and a commercial came on for some sort of Hoodia Gordonii weight loss pills product. I can't quite remember which product it was, but it definitely caught my eye. This particular commercial showed countless women raving about how this Hoodia stuff helped suppress their appetite and helped them lose a lot of weight over so many weeks and/or months. I became curious about Hoodia Gordonii, and how it might work for men instead of women, so I decided I would put it to the test. I did not decide to do this because I NEED to lose weight. I decided to do this because I am a very skeptical person and I like to know if companies are out to rip people off.

Don't get me wrong, I could stand to lose a few pounds. I am definitaly not obese, nor do I consider myself fat. Bit I am a little pudgy in the mid-section. I guess I am what some would call 'skinny fat'. I am a slim guy, but I have what some people would call a beer gut... a few extra pounds in the belly. But I do not drink beer. My "beer gut" comes from me not packing a lunch for work. I Usually hit up the local Taco Bell or Burger King because it is very convenient. So when it comes to my "beer gut", I like to call my belly a fuel tank for a sex machine. Or at least I try to tell the ladies that :)

So I did a little bit of research and ended up ordering what looks to be the best hoodia on the market: Hoodia Prime. Hoodia Prime claims to be 100% pure hoodia gordonii. I figured if I was going to do a test on hoodia to see if it works, I may as well go with the best hoodia that is on the market. From the research I have done, Hoodia Prime has the most milligrams per serving (1200mg) of Hoodia. Most of the other hoodia products out there didn't even come close to 1200mg. So I did my homework and went with the best of the best for my little experiment. Other than Hoodia Prime the most milligrams from any of the other hoodia products I have seen is 750 mg. So Hoodia Prime it is.

Here is a picture that I took today of myself on a scale so you can see how much I weigh:

As I use Hoodia Prime I will let you know if it really works and I will also add more pictures of myself on my scale so you can see the results. I would say wish me luck, but I do not plan on changing my eating habits. I just want to know if this stuff is for real or if these pill-pushing companies are only after your wallet. I will let you know, as I test it.

I ordered one bottle of Hoodia Prime yesterday. Once it arrives, I will let you know how it goes.

This is the stuff I am testing: Hoodia Prime


Anonymous said...

Well, did it work?

Anonymous said...

From July til now, October, shouldn't you have an answer???? Did Hoodia Prime work or not????